Darwin Pack Trips
This summer the Darwin Ranch is offering several 3-5 day backcountry horse trips in the Gros Ventre Wilderness. Explore the backcountry from horseback, sleep under the stars, enjoy campfire cuisine, and savor the unparalleled Wyoming scenery. Book a group trip and we'll work with you to tailor it to best meet the group's abilities and interests. This trip offering is booked separately from your Darwin stay; we do recommend booking in conjunction with your week at the Darwin. Ideal for a family or small group adventure. Limited availability for the months of July and August.
Meet your guides
Darby grew up a ranch girl, accustomed to long days outside and hard work. She loves livestock, hunting with her traditional bow, packing horses—really anything that gets her outside in the backcountry of Wyoming. After earning a degree in Art and Horticulture at Colorado State University she has divided her time between commercial fishing in Alaska, her art, and wrangling at the Darwin.
Born in Kansas, John grew up hunting and fishing across the Midwest. Graduation from the Naval Academy led to ten years as a Special Operations officer in the U.S. Navy. Post military service, he commercial fished in Alaska, sailed across the Pacific, worked cattle ranches in Texas, and farmed coffee in Guatemala. With plenty of outdoor experience and a yen for adventure, John would be a great guide to show you the wilds of Wyoming.
If you're interested submit the form or contact Darwin wranglers, Darby and John directly @ westofthewinds@gmail.com with any, scheduling, pricing, and trip option questions.